Golfmark is a prestigious measure of how individual clubs are successful in looking after new and current members. Oswestry was one of the first clubs in England to be awarded the original ‘Junior Clubmark Award’ in 2003, and again in the vanguard in achieving ‘Clubmark’ in 2006 and a year later was one of first clubs in England to be recognised as a ‘Golfmark High Achiever’. No club is allowed to rest on its laurels and all Golfmark clubs are re-assessed every three years to ensure that their high standards are being maintained.
Oswestry has worked hard to earn Golfmark status and Junior Organiser, Judith Thornell, adds to work done in the Club by visiting schools to introduce the game to children. Many of those children move on to the Academy sessions held on the practice ground and, in due course, join as Junior members.
We are particularly proud that only recently Oswestry has been nominated by the County Golf Partnership as Shropshire & Herefordshire’s entry for the 2010 National Golfmark Club of the Year. Let us hope for national recognition.
Whilst much of Golfmark’s emphasis is upon juniors, there is also work done in encouraging new people to golf and most of you will have seen not only the Junior Section coaching and other activities on Friday evenings, pre-membership Junior Academy sessions on Saturdays and Sundays and school holidays, but also ‘Taster’ sessions for Ladies and Men new to the game.
With the added support of the County Golf Partnership we will be running further Taster sessions and if you know of anyone who would wish to take part in Taster Sessions please contact PGA Professional Richard Edwards, Secretary Manager John Evans or Junior Organiser Judith Thornell.
As with all Clubs Oswestry needs a steady flow of new members to maintain its vitality and if you have a friend or relative, or know of someone who is interested in playing or beginning to play, please introduce them to what we believe is the best club in the area. Golfmark is very much a quality mark and Oswestry is the only Club in its catchment area to have ‘Golfmark High Achiever status.